There are choices in Guatemalan transportation. Many travelers prefer to move from town to town via minibus shuttles carrying no more than ten or twelve people at a time. The more budget conscious among us navigate by a more rustic method; the oh so aptly named “Chicken Busses”. The chicken busses get their name from the propensity of fellow travelers to carry with them on their persons live animals (not necessarily chickens) either trussed or non-trussed. On my travels I have seen severa...
Well in true silly adventure Guatemalan style I recieved my dad´s package of books from Guatemala City and have safely returned to Antigua. Went into the city with Raul the owner of my hotel. We ran a few errands in the city and then ventured down to Zona Uno, which is a combination of all the government offices and the Presidential Palace and main cathedral as well as the worst ghetto in Guatemala City outside of Zona 18 (which must be just godawful if it is worse than Zona 1). We first had ...
So the story of how I came to end up bribing a Honduran customs agent with a pair of lime green polyester pants really begins in February. I was living in a trailer (yes I can actually claim that, can you?) at Valerie´s Budget Youth Hostel on Roatan when quite possibly the most annoying person I have ever met also stayed there for a few days. His name was Brian and not surprisingly he was Canadian. Brian, as he rather incessantly tells everyone, sells clothes throughout Central America. Crap...